Windows 7 and later
- Unzip the file with name ending with -Win7.7z using 7-zip.
- In the unzipped folder, double clicking install.bat will create on the desktop and start menu a folder named TREND_NMR containing trendnmr.exe and trendanalysis.exe and another folder named TRENDclassic containing trendmaingui.exe, trendplotgui.exe, and trendreconstructgui.exe
- An alternative way to run either the GUI or command-line versions of the executable files involves first double clicking on TRENDterminal.bat . This will open a Windows command shell in which you can invoke the TREND executable files. This does not change your path environment permanently and should be run every time you need a command shell window for TREND.
- You may delete the .7z tarball. Please keep the directory where the software and examples are installed! A typical name for the directory is TRENDacademic-1.8.